AWG 2024 Practice Schedules

Arctic Winter Games Practice Schedules *Subject to change, check back often*
U19 Female -  December 15  4PM to 5 PM  ATCO
U19 Female - December 20 4 PM to 5 PM ATCO
U19 Female - FRIDAYS  January 12 through March 8 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM NWT
U15-Male- December 10 3PM-4PM ATCO
U15 Male - December 19  6:15 PM to 7:15 PM NWT 
U15 Male -  December 20 6:15 PM to 7:15 PM ATCO
U15 Male -  December 21 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM NWT
U15 Male - SUNDAYS January 7 through March 10 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM  ATCO
18 Male- December 10 1:45 PM-2:45 PM ATCO
U18 Male -  December 23 3:15 PM to 4:15 PM ATCO
U18 Male -  December 27 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM NWT **NOTE RINK CHANGE**
U18 Male - SUNDAYS January 7 through March 10 from 1:45 to 2:45 PM  ATCO

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